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arises trough
Creativity potentiated 

Handwerker mit Gurt und Montagekit

Do-it-yourself King or not:

House and Garden are extremely project-related Areas.

As professional Craftsmen,

we know that too.


We would be happy to work with you to implement your Project and let your Dream come true.


You decide for yourself

how often you lend a Hand

and what the Gernet & Kälin

die Handwerker GmbH Team

will do for you.

Sichtschutz auf Gartensitzplatz in Walchwil
Bad Umbau in Unterägeri im Kanton Zug
Plattenboden auf einem Balkon in Meggen
Einfahrt mit Sträuchern in Adligenswil
Fotomontage von Gartensitzplatz und Beschattungsanlage in Baar
frisch bepflanzte Setzlinge im Gartenbeet
Garten zwischen Häusern
Verbundssteine im Garten
Küche mit Ofen in einem Gartenhaus
Felsen im Garten eines Einfamilienhauses
Gartenvorplatz mit Steinmauer
Umbau Renovation

Craft is Skill acquired through Habit and Passion. We, Gernet & Kälin die Handwerker GmbH, live our Passion and thus touch our Customers Hearts. We've written our creative Power on our Company-Flag. Sometimes we have to develop Concepts from Scratch and occasionally our Customers bring in very concrete Ideas. We always adapt to the Situation. We don't come up with ready-to-use Solutions, instead of this we allways feel the Customer's Pulse first and then bring it to the End. Nothing is set in Stone but despite of this our Offer is clearly defined: Remodeling, Renovations, House Maintenance, Real Estate Cleaning, Plastering, Painting, Bricklaying, Floorlaying, Carpentry Works, Installations and Gardening. These are our Services. It's our Concern to offer our Clientele, in the Sense of a General Contractor, everything from a single Source. We would like to be a Company for everything which has to do with Home and Garden. The Advantage is obvious: Regardless of whether a Leak in the Drainpipe, the Apartment is to be painted, or if you want a new Hedge or a Showerwall. A Phone Number. One Company. Gernet & Kälin die Handwerker GmbH.

Hände eines Bodenlegers verlegen Parkett

Craft in it's 
purest Form.

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